3 Week Class Trial for $33

If you’re like most parents, you will have found yourself caught up in your child’s enthusiasm for a particular sport or interest, only to find this wanes or even evaporates as quickly as it appeared.

We understand. Totally.

That’s why we’ve created the perfect parent solution: A 3 Week Class Trial for Only $33! We love it – and we think you will too.

Ready to invest wisely? Let’s dance!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the 3 week class trial work?

This is a question we’re asked a lot, so we’ve explained all the details here.


Our 3 week class trial work takes all the uncertainty out of knowing whether your child is really interested in dance lessons. For an investment of $33, your child will have the opportunity to attend dance classes over a three week period.


You can choose any style that interests them, allowing you both to gauge if our studio and the chosen dance style is right.

Why have a 3 week class trial?

Our experience shows that one class just isn’t enough to know if dance is the right extracurricular activity for a child – and whether CM Dance is the best fit. By attending a lesson for three consecutive weeks, it is possible for everyone involved to make a well informed decision. That way, we all move forward with confidence, whether that decision means you commit to classes or not.

What happens after the 3 week class trial

After the trial, we’ll discuss whether CM Dance is the right place for your family. If it is, we’ll recommend suitable classes for your child and explain our weekly timetable.


If you decide to proceed, the cost of the three week trial will be deducted from your initial term fees.


And if you and your child decide dance is not what you expected, no problem! You can feel wholly satisfied knowing you’ve made the right choice for your family – and saved time and money in the process.